Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Bloom

It rained for about three days last week. When the sun came back out I went into the backyard to check everything out and it is going nuts out there. Everything doubled in size and is growing like crazy. One cucumber plant didn't survive the transplant and is about dead and the tomatoes are getting way too big and are kinda crowding the nearby bell pepper plant. Definitely going to have to spread things out a bit more next season. Here are some pictures:

Serranos - very happy

Serrano fruit coming inSerrano Fruit

2 tomato plant with an overpowered bell pepper plant in front
Tomatoes and Bell Peppers

Purple Onions and more Bell Peppers
Onions and Peppers

Carrots, Radishes, Cucumbers
Carrots, Radishes, Cucumbers

Romaine Lettuce, Green Onions and Jalapenos
Lettuce, Onions, Jalapenos

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